For Students

You can receive a variety of support for your job search at the Kyoto University Career Support Center. You may be concerned about the points of finding a job in Japan, time flow, style of examinations and interviews, and so on. Please read the following first to start your activities.

Searching Online for Job Offers

The Kyoto University Career Support Center offers job descriptions via Career+ (job search engine for universities run by DISCO Inc.). You can use this engine from on-campus network environment without any registration process.
Log-in at Career+ *Japanese only

Career Guidance & Workshops

The Kyoto University Career Support Center organizes a variety of career guidance and workshop sessions throughout the year.
Details are uploaded onto our website.
/event/evnt-inform/ *Japanese only
All guidance sessions and workshops are conducted in Japanese.


The Kyoto University Career Support Center publicizes on its website, information on internships which are held during student vacation periods.
/misc/internship/ *Japanese only


If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to “career*”.
(English or Japanese)

Career Counseling

The Kyoto University Career Support Center provides one-on-one career counseling (in Japanese). If you wish to receive counseling, please make a reservation at the following URL.
/cnsl/counselling/ *Japanese only

If you do not communicate in Japanese, please send an e-mail to
“career*”. Be sure to include your name, your major (year-level), and your questions, troubles and/or issues about your career in your e-mail.

Other Resources